Messages from Colonel Whittlesey and Lieutenant McKeogh. |
This picture shows the standardized style of building used in every army camp in the United States. |
A 10-inch caliber naval gun on a railroad mount. |
A photograph from an airplane at 7900 feet, showing Love Field, Dallas, Texas, and a parachute jumper. |
The Red Cross War Fund and Membership poster. |
A photograph of the United States Transport George Washington taken from an airplane. |
President Wilson driving from the railroad station in Paris with President Poincar� of France. |
Sergeant York wearing the French Croix de Guerre and the Congressional Medal of Honor. |
Mechanical Transports in Salisbury Floods |
Major-General M.S. Mercer, C.B. |
German Artillery Barrage Fire at Night |
French Soldiers Advancing under Flamethrowers |
British Tanks in Flanders |
Camouflaged troops wearing gas masks, and manning an artillery piece. |
Home, Sweet Home - tents amid a muddy field. |